My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday Selfie

Oh those blue eyes....WOW
Venue: Dollar Store
Occasion: Welcoming Party for 2021
Starring:  Felines as always
Price: $2.00 
Large Calendar and one on the left were sold together
Small one on the right is for my pocketbook.
Yep I still use a pen to record my appointments

Next photo was taken last Sunday, September 6, at 7 am
from our driveway. I've taken a few photos of 
the full moon and sun rising this past week.  This is #2.
Our house faces north.
There is just a hint of the sun rising in the wispy clouds (left photo)
BUT please notice how it is ever so gently kissing the tops of the 
pine trees in the center of the right photo...and another full moon setting to the west.


  1. Hari OM
    the sky is the best place to rest the eyes and spirit! Love those calendars. YAM xx

  2. I use both digital and paper calendars. The paper one is at home and helps my mum know when I will be home. Plus it is more set than the digital one which seems to disappear after a while so you can't go back and find out what you did a year ago!


  3. I prefer to record everything on paper too. I know where I am that way!

  4. Our house faces north also... love the kitty calendars and Yay for a dollar store find. I keep our appointments on a very large calendar hanging in the kitchen over the phone. I agree with Yam about the sky resting the eyes and mind and also just came from Hootin Annie and her trees rest the eyes and spirit... nothing better than trees and sky

  5. I use a week at a glance calendar to keep up with stuff. we have a monthly calendar on the kitchen wall for keeping up with the days of the week.

  6. I love my calendar that sits on my desk right in front of my computer. I've already placed my order with Airedale Rescue but won't received it until late November.

  7. When I went in to the office, I used many calendars, but now working from home, I have to figure out where I can hang them up.

  8. Our house faces South but the feral kitty houses face North!

  9. What cute calendars. We use a paper calendar to keep track of the dogs meds but everything else is done in an online calendar.

  10. That is the perfect calendar. We have a calendar in our kitchen, but mainly I have gone digital.

  11. Glad I am not the only one who still prefers to write appointments on a calendar. :) XO

  12. Mom is a paper and pen gal too, but just recently she started using her calendar that syncs her iPhone, Macbook, and iPad calendars to record things she has to do for the grands and to track all the vet appts. for Misty and for our heartworm and flea and tick meds. She can program it to repeat the event at whatever interval she needs. It is getting easier each time she makes an entry. Maybe she will shed the pen and paper soon:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Great Shots of the rises! I gotta tell you, I use my phone for appointments (it is also my alarm clock). I DO carry a notebook in my purse though. I fill up 2 - 3 a year with notes, observations, sketches, etc.
    Happy Sunday!

  14. The mom keeps a calendar hanging on the fridge. But the one she gets is free...well, it’s from donating to a cat animal charity.

  15. I would put the 2021 calendar up now and pretend this horrible year has ended

  16. I love the setting moon and rising sun!!! I see those sun-kissed pine tops. So beautiful!

  17. Ma keeps a paper calendar too! It's just easier to look at at a glance. I can't waits til 2021...this year really sucks!
    Anyhu, the pics are FABulous!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  18. I have a paper calendar too...It's easier and handier I think. I threw a few appt. into the iPhone but I wasn't serious. :-)
    Love seeing the moon still ut and the sun out too. My Dad always said "They forgot to haul in the moon last night".

  19. I've never seen eyes that blue! I keep my appointments on my big paper calendar hanging on the fridge so hubby can see what's going on (so does he) as well as on my phone, which dings me a reminder! I need all the help I can get LOL


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi