My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday #6

  Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS  and Wacky Holidays are both about squirrels!!

Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our inspiration

Today I'm joining the 

Thankful Thursday hosted by

1. I'm happy and thankful to report my husband had is 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine on
Monday, February side effects. Now we look toward February 22nd
the day I will receive my 2nd Pfizer.

2. My header photo was taken as I took a trek around my 'hood on
Tuesday, Feb. 9th.  This house is about 4 blocks from my home.
The peeps there have an endless supply of inflatable characters.
This is the first time I've seen the Valentine Frog.
I'm thankful that they like to share their inflatables for all to enjoy.


  1. yes, we agree it has its own address ;O) we are so glad that the vaccinationn went well and we hope it protects you fur ever and ever from that evil virus beast

  2. Good to hear things are going well with your vaccinations. Sixty. two year old youngsters like me will have to wait a while yet here in the UK, but hopefully not too long.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS I am imagining that limo trying to negotiate one of our twisty and narrow Highland roads!

  3. Great poem for that amazing limo photo and no doubt it has a mailbox on the bumper since it CERTAINLY has its' own address! Love the Valentine frogs...FUN!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  4. Great poem and we were thinking the same thing - how the heck does he turn a corner?! The Valentine froggies are so cute☺

  5. Hari OM
    Oh yes, that was my thought exactly and even mentioned it to the Weims... what nightmare of a car and you made mince of it with your words!!! YAM xx

  6. Well done well done!! On the poem for that car that fits absolutely perfectly. That is one crazy looking car. So glad you're both getting your second shot and he got his on our anniversary and you are getting your second one on my sons 54th birthday. We still have no idea when we will ever get a shot and it's making me have nightmares at night

  7. No way could that thing maneuver any of the streets I drive on.
    I'm so glad he did well with his shots and am praying that you also do well.
    Cute balloon for V Day.

  8. We love your poem. It would be hard to imagine that vehicle going anywhere unless it flexes in the middle. You are lucky to have your shots. Around here there are no appointments to be found and not much vaccine coming our way.

  9. this car would not do well on Lombard Street in San Fran.... !!!! nice take on this poem today C; your neighbor's house is awesome; rather like a log cabin !!! ☺☺♥♥

  10. What a fun poem! I love that header, too cute!

  11. You know I love your header. It's colorful and fun.

    Love the poem. That limo is HUGE.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, honey. Big hug. ♥

  12. That's such a fun poem and such a wonderful vaccine thankful too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Howdy! What a gloriously sunshiny (and frigid) day! We are cold, but not as cold as some other places in Canada and the US. The sun puddles are warm and us cats don't have to go outside. We gotta say we LOVE your header and the incredible inflatables! Your neighbor rocks! An we LOVE your poem and we want to thank you for visiting us! You are AWESOME and have an amazing day!

  14. I have not seen Valentine frogs either, they are cute Fun poem. And yay for the vaccine! XO

  15. That car would certainly have to follow the straight, but I am not so sure about the narrow! Love those Valentine frogs.

  16. Limousines are strange to be a passenger in; so much room!

  17. That is one odd vehicle and the story is good too. Great Thankfuls

  18. Very fun poem today!!! We would not have to pay for all the tires on that stretch:)

    Still waiting on vaccine #1 here for each of the peeps:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  19. Ma was thinkin' the same thingie when she saw that in the Dog is that thing gonna make a turn??!! 😂 Oh, i am so happy you gots the shot!!! Gpa FINALLY got his furst shot on Tuesday (he got the Moderna one), he had just a sore arm. No idea when Ma will be able to gets hers, butts she has a feelin' it's gonna be a LOOOONG time.
    Ruby ♥

  20. That is one crazy vehicle! I bet it has it’s own zip code. MOL! ~Ernie.

  21. That poem sounds like it could have been written by Dr. Seuss! What a crazy picture!

    I'm glad hubby didn't have any bad side effects from that second covid shot. I received the Pfizer brand too, and got very sick for a day. But mostly everyone else I know had no problems.

  22. Glad you're both "almost" all protected. Liked your poem. Don't you wonder who owns that car with the American flags waving from it.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi