My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Happy 14th Gotcha day to Frankie

 Hidey Ho my friends near and far 
Howly Squirrel Snot time flies at mach Dach(shund) speed when you are having fun.  I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I still like to dig holes that is my exercise.  
Ernie is good too; however, he is being forced  to take walks on all fours
(not in the no walking wagon).  I'm a good brudder so I won't dare say anything about Ernie's ample DachTush.  

I made Mom promise no water torture this week even if I get my paws muddy from digging!! My wishes will be her commands this week.  Oh
I did request a joy ride in Joy our Jeep.  Mom said okey dokey pokey!!

Mom is good too she gets an award for best Dachshund mom. She prepares the bestest food albeit sometimes they are served at 4:01 PM instead of 4:00 PM.
We don't have a 'puter anymore but every now and them you might see us on the Book of Faces.

 shredded beef & white gravy for supper.   

Ernie, Mom and I send our love and greetings to you all
Frankie Furter Price💞

Lana aka Mom to Frankie and Ernie shared the below story about Frankie's Gotcha day.  Thank you Lana.

We had 16 year old Baron.  He was a black & tan SHORT/SMOOTH hair.   He had gone deaf couldn't play ball any longer and was confused by those things.   He was not happy any longer.   
   We talked it over and THAT decision was made.   I took that Monday off.   We swore we would NEVER go through that pain again.

The rest of the story:

   I went to school on Tuesday thinking I was doing FINE.
     Apparently I was NOT doing as well as I thought BECAUSE.   
   On WEDNESDAY there were 5 teachers, the Janitor & Secretary all waiting at the front door.    They all had notes with places that had dachshund pups for sale.
    I called all the places and settled on looking at 3 pups over the weekend.
    The 1st place we went was in Lancaster Ohio.   The lady had 3 puppies the mother and FRANKIE. 
  Frankie was 11 mos old.   The lady was HOPING he would GROW to meet breed standards so she could SHOW him.   He stayed tiny.
    Butch & I both fell in love with him INSTANTLY.
    We went outside & talked.   Went in and said we wanted to buy him.   She said no at first & tried to push a pup ...   We said NO...
   She had named him Tiny Tim (Timmy).  We said it was Timmy or none.    
   Butch was holding him the whole time.
  She finally said YES.
Butch said, "PAY HER"  And he carried TIMMY to the Jeep.    
    I paid & she & I signed his Registration papers and I raced out.
   We changed his name to FRANKIE FURTER PRICE on the way home.
   He had never had a collar on.  Never been on a leash and never in a vehicle.  
         He learned everything very quickly.
   Butch always called Frankie his CHIC MAGNET.   When he walked Frankie women were always stopping and asking to pet THE PUPPY.   Both of them LOVED the attention. 😆

And this is how Timmy became Frankie!!  Frankie 14 years ago today was the first day of the BEST days to come in your FUREVER home 


  1. Ahhhh! Awwww! Happy GOtcha Day, Frankie!! What a sweetie you are!!

  2. wow the time wears rtunning shoes ;o) happy happy gotcha day to frankie and big hugs to his brudder and da whole furmily...

  3. Hari OM
    OMD OMD OMD it's you Frankie!!! Oh how we do miss you here in BLogville - but I knows that life has had its twists and turns for you all. I think of fondly and often and am so glad that your mum helped out by telling how you came to be gotted by her and your daddy.

    Oh golly I hope that you are all happy in life and that you have the best gotcha day ever! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Happy 14th Gotcha Day, Frankie! We sure do miss you and Ernie blogging.

  5. Wow, it's just brilliant to see our old friends Frankie and Ernie again.
    Happy 14th Gotcha Day Frankie!
    Once a star, always a star.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (and Gail).

  6. Frankie with those beautiful eyes and face, I can see you stealing a many a heart.
    Happy Birthday sweet boy.

  7. Aw, what a handsome pup and I loved the story of how Timmy because Frankie. Excellent.

    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Frankie Furter Price,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  8. Happy Gotcha Day to Frankie Furter. It's great to hear he and Ernie, and their mom, are all doing well. We do miss the great stories his mom would tell about them but we're happy to know they are all okay.

  9. Happy Gothca Day to Frankie from all of us!

  10. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Frankie. XO

  11. Frankie! It has been ages! Queen Nellie Bellie was talking about this cool dachy named Frankie and there you are on Madi's Mom's Blog! We send you the bestest of Gottcha Day wishes!

  12. Happy Gotcha Day Frankie!!!
    The Florida Furkids

  13. Wow! We are so happy to see you again Frankie! We've sure missed you and your brother Ernie. We wish you a very happy Gotcha day with lots of yummy treats and squeaky toys,
    from Chester, ghostwriter and Dad.

  14. happy gotcha day, Frankie and I love love love your story... you were the right pup for the right people

  15. FRANKIE!!!!!!! OMD, what up??!! I am super duper happy to hears from you my furiend!!! I miss you bunches, and Ernie too ! I am glads to hear you two are takin' good care of your Moms, and are stayin' outta troubles...BOL!!!! (yeah, barely got that out 😂🤣😂)
    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY! And, I loved hearin' your story again ~ it never gets old! Miss you boyz....
    Ruby ♥
    pees: thank you Ms. Cecilia for keepin' us in touch with our furiends! 😘

    1. 💙 Thank you Deer Furend. So many wonderful memories. Miss U 2.

  16. Happy Happy Gotcha day Dear Furiend!!!! So glad to hear you and Ernie and your Mom are doing well!! Love your gotcha day story! Mom says when your heart knows you just know it is right!!
    love and pug hugs
    Mabel, Hilda & Mom

  17. 💙 Thank you Deer Furends . We have grrrrrreat memories.

  18. Hi Frankie and Ernie - we think you may only remember Lightning as Misty and Timber are a lot younger. But we all love you and miss you. Happy Gotcha Day - Mom says she loved hearing the story of how you came to be Frankie Furter Price - pawesome!!! We wish you could still post. We have had no luck growing a milkbone tree like you did!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. We remember Thunder Lightning Misty & Timber! Sorry you can't grow Milkbone Trees. Maybe you need some Squirrel FERTILIZER. We used that & sometimes got 87 Milkbones from one tree.
      💙 Thank you fur thinking of us.

  19. Deerest Blogville Furends and all others.
    I (FRANKIE FURTER) & Ernie the Attorney want to send 87 gazillion THANKS to Miss Cecilia fur puttin my story up here.
    And to say a collective THANKS to all who left comments.
    Ernie & I have 87 bazillion wonderful memories of our Grrrrand times in Blogville. Blogville knew how to have FUN RIGHT. We miss Everybuddy soooo much.
    Sending all of you 87 Licks & Wags and

  20. Such a handsome Doxie!! Happy birthday.

  21. Dear Frankie, we wondered where you went and if you had retired from your law career. We think Angel Lexi is looking down smiling her little schnauzer smile at you on your very special day. Love, Amy

  22. Great to hear from the two of you again! And what a lovely story of your Gotcha day.


  23. Happy 14th Gotcha Day, Frankie! So cute!

  24. Frankie was so lucky to wind up where he did 14 years ago. Some things were just MEANT TO BE! Happy GOTCHA Frankie.

    Hugs, Teddy

  25. Happy Gotcha Day, Frankie! I didn't know you before but I certainly know you now and I am happy to meet you!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi