My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #17

 Today I'm joining the 


My husband says thank you all for the nice birthday wishes.  He had a most marvelous day.  We awoke at our usual 6 am time.  I quickly dressed then drove to Panera to pick up our breakfast of their delicious breakfast sandwich with egg, bacon and cheese on an Asiago Bagel.  After breakfast, we took a nice long walk on the Shelley Lake Trail.  

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS  

Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our inspiration

You all have to see the following words coming...

Ode to Ducks dedicated to this lone white duck we see each time we walk at Shelley Lake.

Deerest Blogville Furends and all others.
I (FRANKIE FURTER) & Ernie the Attorney want to send 87 gazillion THANKS to Miss Cecilia fur puttin my story up here.
And to say a collective THANKS to all who left comments.
Ernie & I have 87 bazillion wonderful memories of our Grrrrand times in Blogville. Blogville knew how to have FUN RIGHT. We miss Everybuddy soooo much.
Sending all of you 87 Licks & Wags and


  1. love it...and I nodded for the shoe part... if that lands on the carpets of a car you can sell the whole ride...literally LOL

  2. Love the duckies and their excellent parenting skills!

  3. That is a cute poem about the ducks. It is true about their mess, it sticks like glue.

  4. I love ducks every since I heard one laughing back in Hungary. Well, it sounded like laughing anyway and it made me laugh as well.


  5. Your poem is so true and made me laugh. Their poo does stick like glue☺

  6. Hari Om
    LOL love that ditty!!! So glad BCat enjoyed his day - and yay to the ex-Hill Guys, so glad to hear from them. YAM xx

  7. PURRRRFECT POEM for this week! Had us laughing the whole time.....We have Canadian Geese down the road from us at the community pond and I think their muck is as yucky as the ducks!

    Hugs, Pam

  8. Oh your breakfast sounded really good. A great way to start a birthday.
    Mr. Duck looks like he wants you to feed him.
    Happy Thursday.

  9. Your words are so true about the ducks and about duck muck! Sometimes I think they need to work a little harder at keeping there ducks in row... Ha!

  10. That's a great poem for that picture. We always have to watch where we're walking around certain ponds where the geese like to hang out.

  11. That's a super nice thankful and a wonderful poem too! We have several ducks on our lake but only one white one. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Ducks and geese are flying poo poo houses. Yes they are and when they are in flight you want to make sure you keep your mouth closed when you look up at them. Just saying.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, honey. Big hugs. ♥

  13. Gotta keep those ducks in a row!

  14. Glad your hubby had a nice birthday. I love asiago bagels. Great poem. XO

  15. That was a very ducky poem:) We saw a lone duck cross the green area behind our fence a few weeks ago - we hope he found his way home.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Sounds like a perfect birthday and what a fun poem. MOL

  17. We hope you had a fun time celebrating his birthday. Some delicious food and a beautiful time for a walk. Thanks for sharing your wonderful poem. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals South Philadelphia

  18. That sounds like a perfect birthday. I enjoyed your duck poem.

  19. What a wonderful birthday day! It sounds purrfect! We love your poem, you are correct about the last duck quacking! and your lone duck photo is cool!

  20. Great poem. I used to have one of those Peking ducks when I was a kid. She took first prize at the neighborhood playpark animal show and went to live with our postman who lived on a farm. She was so happy there she started laying eggs, and we finally knew "Mickey" was a boy. (Named after Mickey Dolenz - The Monkees)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi