My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

International Kiss Two Ginger Cat Day kinda Wordy

I have two Ginger Cats in my life my 
Grandcat Frisco and my feline Nephew Rocky
Frisco's Dad is an avid fisherman...that pleases Frisco

Before this photo was taken there were so many kisses to that ginger face. I needed a dose of hair ball medicine.   This is the first time I met Frisco.
He was about 11 months old he will be 7 this March.
Pardon my goofy grin.  I was quite happy.

Mom Kit said she heard Rocky tell Kat:
Auntie HiC said January 12 is Kiss a Ginger Day! Pucker Up, Buttercup❣️😹😹😹😹

Rocky getting a kiss from his mom

This was Rocky's man cave while he learned to coexist with 
Kat and Pup.  We are purrty sure Rocky had been on his own for a while.

They both asked me to TELL you they are rescued felines.
Their TALES started off less than purrfect.
Now they are living their very best lives.
They Both have glorious long furry TAILS.


  1. tht is super sweet... and we wish our dad would be a fisherman too... sardines in oil every day, yay!

  2. We are thinking you should be hired as head of PR for the Society for Promotion of Ginger Cats!

  3. We love the photo of you holding Frisco! Ginger cats have such beautiful furs.

  4. Sweet. I have my ginger cat Wave. But, he's not really keen on kisses. lol...he does love his food though.

  5. Hari OM
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... YAM xx

  6. A full of Ginger Goodness post today! Frisco has a very expressive fuzz face. He always cracks me up. Rocky has the sweet face of a Ginger being smooched by his Mom♥
    Love the picture of you and Frisco... love both of your faces!!!

  7. Awww, what a lovely post about your kitties. I love the picture of you. Just saying.

    Ginger goodness all day long.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  8. Gramma had a ginger kitty, but he sadly passed away a couple years ago now. Mom has never had one, so thankfully we don't have a cat to kiss today. Dogs don't want cat germs.

  9. I would kiss a dozen gingers if i had access. IF I were going to adopt a rescue it Ginger would be my first choice and second is the gray looks like a ginger. in other words just like the two precious ones together here. I love Morris The cat in commercials and always have. Bob the former before he married me cat man, told me Gingers are the most loving of cats. He had several that just HAPPENED to follow his daughter Cathy home. he has lots of ginger stories

  10. Those two look so cute and are definitely kissable kitties! We can tell by your smile how much you enjoyed kissing Frisco.

  11. Yep ~ their 'tales' are perfect ~ creative and fun post ~ Xo

    Wishing you a Happy Day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I love that photo of you! We used to have a ginger cat years ago- Larry the Lion! He lived to be 20! I still miss him!

  13. Such cuties. I miss our ginger , Prancie. XO

  14. THe only gingers at our house are NOT CATS! Mom was a ginger before she started to go white and Cinnamon is a ginger and they both love to kiss! We blow virtual kisses to all of your beautiful gingers and you know what! We blow YOU kisses too!

  15. What a beautiful reminder! I just love those sweet gingers, very kissable!

  16. doodz....thiz iz like de awesum est post and we gotta....GOTTA....give propz two yur dad

    984 PAWZ UP !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  17. Lovely shots of your nephew and grand cats. We love the kiss between Rocky and Kat.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. SWAK to all the gingers! Lee and Phod

  19. Loved Rocky telling Kat to "Pucker up, buttercup."

  20. Lots of kissing going on today! Love it!

  21. Awwwwww, can't help myself...purrrrrecious.


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Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi