My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, July 15, 2022

Nature Friday Feline Flashback and Fill ins

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus


 Photos from Shelly Lake Trail

Homes are all around the trail

There was a young man sitting just to the left of the photo sketching.
He was deep in thought.  On our trip back to the car we saw him again taking a break.  I asked if I could see the sketch.  It was the most amazing sketch of the tree with pink blooms.  I asked if would color it he said probably.

More art on the trail in the tunnel.  Maintenance paints over it but
the 'artists' come back.  Someone also painted the covering over the florescent lights.

Madi's favorite activity.... July 2009

My perch is my favorite activity. The higher I can get the better. 
Mom is always say "Madi don't lean over so far you are going to 
fall and bust your chin wide open" . Ouch, that would hurt...
it must be something peeps do. I have to remind her that I'm a cat
and I always land on my feet not my chin...silly mom she worries a lot. 
Happy dreams, Madi

 Friendly Fill-Ins Ellen, 15 cats and meowing came up with the first two and
 her co-host Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two

1. A fun way to celebrate Christmas in July is watching Christmas Movies 
on Hallmark with snowy scenes..
2. My favorite summer activity is DREAMING ABOUT FALL
3. When I sleep, my dreams are of cool fall days with no HUMIDITY.
4. Summer days with triple digit heat index scare(s) me more than
 winter days below freezing.

In case you haven't figured it out, I DO NOT LIKE HOT, HAZY, HUMID 
weather when you get sweaty just walking to the mailbox. Fall and Spring
are my favorite seasons. I have never lived in a very cold snowy climate. 
However, I expect those who live there feel the same way about winter that I
about summer.  


  1. how great to meet a real artist.... the tunel artists are not so much our cup of tea, but te message I want you to be happier is a good one... so we agree ;O)))

  2. The tree with the pink flowers is pretty. I wouldn't call the yobs who leave graffiti everywhere artists!

  3. Some 'artists' are better than others. We think you would like summer in Aberdeen!

  4. Hari OM
    Or, indeed, summer in Dunoon! I love your photo of the tree that was being sketched - every bit as artistic! YAM xx

  5. Madi was right...we cats always land on our feet


    As for heat humidity and haze I don't hafta like it, but it's much better than 6 feet of snow,for months!!! You don't have to scoop heat.

  6. What a beautiful sky over Shelly Lake and my Friendly Fill-ins would be the very same as yours!

  7. That looks like a Mimosa tree. I think the flowers look like little ballerina's.

  8. We are headed to the triple digit heat with huge humidity starting today. No fun at all. Counting the days to winter keeps us a bit cooler. Happy Friday!

  9. Ditto your fill ins, I do not like cold and despise HEAT and humidity. 9 months of the year I love Florida. but like annie, if i had to choose snow or heat it would be heat.
    Hi sweet angel Madi, I remember Mom fretting over some of your high places escapades and you never fell. that tunnel is special with those colored lights. to bad about the grafititi. also to bad they are not true grafitii artists to draw something better.

  10. I would love to go on a walk with you. I'm not a fan of triple digit weather either. I like it warm and for it to rain at night when I'm sleeping.

    Aw on Angel Madi. Cats do land on their feet most of the time. Not always though.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  11. We love your pictures from the walk.

    As for winter vs. summer, I'll take a stormy winter day any day over a hot, sticky summer day. When you are prepared for winter, you can put on enough layers to safely make it to the mailbox and back (also made easier if the guy that plows the driveway has done his job). On the other hand, you can only take off so many clothes in the summer to be decent enough to walk to the mailbox and you also must contend with all the mosquitoes and biting flies that are trying to attack you on your walk (no bugs in winter). Mind you our mailbox is a football field away from the house so a lot can happen on that walk. ;-)

  12. Give me winter weather! What am I doing in Florida? Our heat index on Wednesday was 109! Madi was a little daredevil! Your Fill-Ins are a homage to Fall! Good Morning!

  13. Don't like hot hazy weather either dear kitty ~ love your perch ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. What a beautiful forest walk...I kinda like the different colored lights in the tunnel...

    I would also rather have a crisp fall or winter day than a hot, humid one too. When I was in NJ last week, the temps were in the mid eighties, but the humidity was like 80%...YUCKY When I got back to New Mexico with temps in the 90s and humidity around 50% it actually felt cooler!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Madi,mom never "get" grafitti. She sees all the negative in it. Disrespect most of all.

  17. That tunnel is pretty wild! That was a really cute perching Madi and good answers too!

  18. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I enjoyed your answers and I feel exactly the same. I can't wait for fall. XO

  19. Sometimes we feel the same way about summer as you do too...

  20. Sure is pretty around Shelly Lake..........I absolutely HATE heat and humidity - we're lucky to have trees around our house to keep it shady for the most part but it still gets ICKY in summer. I love the mimosa trees with their beautiful pink flowers (I think that's what the man was painting anyway). They are around here too but people don't seem to use them in landscaping - they just pop up wherever they want to. Love the photo of Angel Madi on the "top floor" of her tree keeping an eye on things!

    Hugs, Pam

  21. It's nice to go on walks and be able to talk with people you see (the artist). I've noticed that there is a lot off graffiti art on the sides of the trains that rumble across roads while I wait. They're from really talented artists and make the wait more enjoyable! Hope it cools off soon!

  22. It would be fun if the "artists" got together and painted a mural inside the tunnel! Have a great day!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi