My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wordy Wednesday a Cat Tale from my nephews


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC

Don’t we look sweet & innocent?

Well, as you are aware, we were recently very naughty! 

We are including the text conversation between you & Mom:

I didn’t mention this before, too much going on, but cats escaped the house Sat. I accidentally left door leading to garage open, & D saw them dashing out! We had Kat back in house in about 10 minutes. Rocky never left the yard, but would not come to us for 4 HOURS
I was frantically calling him, crawling on all 4s, attempting to coax him w/ cat treats & his fav squeaky mouse, as he leisurely wandered all around the yard. He was outside from 4:00-8:20. We contained Kat in my room, opened all doors leading outside, & eventually, Rocky walked in the screened porch! I was honestly weak in the knees when we finally had him in house! 😹🙀😹

Auntie HiC:
Oh Kit I am weak in the knees reading this. 100% my worst fear  as a cat mom‼️‼️‼️ 
Rocky is a little demon.  Walking around like that.  I hope and pray he got that wild streak out of his system. I am so sorry you had such a terrible fright. 
Sending comforting hugs
Auntie HiC 

Every time he would head toward the woods, I used my teacher voice, & told him a coyote would get him! He was never out of my sight, but stayed just out of reach! 😹 When he finally came in, he just rolled over to be loved, & I smothered him in kitty kisses! His new name is Rascally Rocky❣️😻

Auntie HiC:
Teacher voice, MOL MOL that gave us much needed  comic relief and giggles.  When I read your first text to Bryan, he was sitting on the edge of the chair.  I guess Rocky's roll over was an apology⁉️⁉️‼️‼️😱
PS Rascally Rocky mom was not kidding about coyotes in the woods.  They are roaming neighborhoods in our county. Don’t scare mom like that again 🙏Lovingly your auntie HiC 

Sanna 🎅🏼said we were bad boys, so look what he brought Mom for Christmas! 🙀🙀🙀 More on that later. 

Sincerely your precious, sweet and obedient 

❤️ Kat & Rocky


  1. Dearest Cecilia,
    Woke up and read this story about Kat & Rocky.
    Well written and so glad they got safely back inside!

  2. That would have been scary! I am glad Rocky eventually came back in. That Ninja will keep those boys under control!

  3. Rocky on the wild side ~ roaming the back-40! An adventure ...

  4. It has always been my biggest fear, that my cat would get out the door and I would probably never find her again. I'm so glad this had a happy ending. I bet they'll be double locks on every door now, lol.

  5. Those two little stinkers! I would have been beside myself. Scary things in the woods. He sure took his sweet time coming back in. There must have been some interesting smells out there. Glad everyBODY is back in and I am sure they are going to find the box and what was in it a new experience.

  6. Our cats never tried to run away. Sophie never wanted to go outside, and Bert would run out, look around and stop. Mom could easily grab him and bring him back in. Once we let him be an indoor/outdoor cat he never left the fenced yard. Glad you two are safe.

  7. Oh my gosh! I'd have had heart failure, just about. I'm glad their safe, but oh, what a brat Rocky was! Little stinker indeed, as Pix commented!

  8. Hari OM
    Oh, I suspect the rollover tummy was more of "Hah, I just got away with something short of murder and you still are gonna love on me, slave..." But that's okay, cuz that's what cat's do!!! Rocky was probably just reminiscing about those days before living with Kat and co... and knew he was onto a good thing 🤡 YAM xx

  9. hay ewe cuzinz oh madi…pleez due knot scare everee one like that🙀
    we bee glad everee one dee sided ta step bak in …N tell yur mom, while
    we HOPE thiz NEVER happenz again, ta try a can oh tuna 🍣💙💚🐟

  10. Those two kitties are starting off on Santa's naughty list by giving their parents such a scare. We're glad to hear all's well in the end.

  11. My biggest fear too. We're ever so careful here. I'm so glad this had a happy ending.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs, my friend. ♥

  12. Hmm ~ must something in the 'air' ~ Ziggy ran off on me chasing another dog when we were walking on the beach ~ sigh ~ he did try to return but got almost to the parking lot ~ won't be off leash anytime soon ~ It gave me a great scare ~ sigh,

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. alls well that ends well, I can join the rest of you, waiting with baited breathe to hear if he came in or left for places unknown. Beau has never tried to go out an open door, but i am always standing there. i am sure he would if it was left open.. there is nothing more frightning that a pet running free.. this is not the only blog i have read, there 2 blogs last week that had a dog missing for hours... so happy this ended well and the rascals are back safe in side

  14. Thank goodness this story has a happy ending. A loose pet outside is a VERY scary thing and especially if wild animals live in your area!

  15. Okay kitties, just because your Mom left the door open don't view that as an invitation, it isn't. You're inside and the predators are outside for a reason. Always come when the Mama says, please!

  16. I totally agree with Brian above. I live in the country and I don't have kitties here because of coyotes on the ground and hawks and great horned owls above. I would just worry too much. But I do have a dog and she runs free, but only when I'm outside with her. Once when my niece looked after her, she took her for a walk. Faith, my dog, followed her half-way up a hill, then turned around and walked back home. I felt that was pretty interesting, and something none of the dogs I've known would do. They would just follow...

  17. I forgot, I must tell you how much I love your kitty pictures and how much I miss my kitty angels.

  18. oh so darn cute and sweet! Happy New Year!

  19. After Bob was on the lamb for a whole day, I can feel for Kit. I'm glad you got them back in before something bad happened.

  20. That was naughty. Glad you were both captured. XO

  21. How frightning. Thank God everyone is back home safe.

  22. Outside isn't safe any longer, I do hope this never happens again.

  23. I'm like Kim, as I would have about had heart failure too! I have deep thick woods all the way to the County line behind my house. And a busy street in front. She would be a goner either way. I can imagine the fears there at your house. XXX

  24. It's a terrible feeling, for sure. Chia is our "runner." We now have a neighborhood watch for her when she gets loose! (Thank goodness for great neighbors!)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi