My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, October 28, 2024

Awww Monday with Cali and Sparks


 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

I told Mom we needed to do some Fall decorating.  I’m already decorated with my orange & black markings!

I was  disappointed Mom didn’t do more porch decorations, but she said “less is more”! I think she’s just lazy! 😹
Check out the beautiful spider web created by a Joro spider.
Friends, do you have Joros where you live?

This is a rhyme Mom taught her kiddos every Halloween! 🎃

💕 Cali Girl 


Niece Cali OMCs...your birthday suit is purrfect for any day and just OMCs Halloween
you shine!!!  I see you itty bitty kitty pink tongue sticking out too.
Lovingly your Auntie HiC

I saw 'Scatter Kindness' while watching a movie
I added 'Share Smiles'.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Easy Sunday taken on EMW

9 am DST...

Moon over Valley Estates Drive 
I love October skies in NC


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Symmetry Saturday


This home is about 3 miles from us.  We watched them build it and many more on a two lane fast forward about 8 year.  The city has decided to add a lane to this road taking several feet away from all the front yards.  These home owners made lemonade out of some very sour lemons.
Skeletons are dressed in construction vests and hard hats.  They have shovels construction signs.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Feline, Nature and Final Friday Feature

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


The very adorable and friendly Tabby greeted me on a recent EMW...
She had 4 white paws and the tip of the nose was white.  What a most lush and long tail

Click here to visit YAM's FFF

*Early Morning Music Walk

As I crossed from my drive way,
to the side walk
The sun played peep eye 
with me thru the trees

The temperature was a crisp
53 degrees with a gentle breeze
I said to myself, this is a
a purrfect morning to take my long route.
Along the way, I saw pups of all sizes walking their
I even saw a bony pup look up at me
like I was gonna be his sup(per)

After this frightful sight,
 I was delighted to see Sage walking
 her human ahead of me.
He must be chilly, he had on ear muffs.
All of a sudden he burst out in song.
He was not wearing ear muffs at all
he had on ear phones.
*He was singing a solo. But he had no idea
it was not SO LOW  no one could hear.  
Me, myself and I had a good giggle.

I saw happy faces smiling at me from fences.

On this last Friday in October I say... 
Fences do good neighbors make, and always keep a song 
in your head or at least your heart. MOST of all, 
always sing like no one can hear you.
The end of another wonderful EMW that was full of surprises.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thankful Thursday FROM KAT

Thankful Thursday hosted by 


Dearest Auntie HiC

I had my first glucose check since starting insulin. My level dropped from 331 to 167!
I’m pretty proud of myself, and of course my peeps, too!

Thanks for all the encouragement from you & our wonderful blog friends❣️
Here’s an old video of me strutting my “handsome” stuff.😹

KAT OMCs OMCs look at you strutting your handsome self...Auntie Loves your red over the shoulder harness. Your in house medical staff is awarding winningEmoji.  Dad has a magical touch with the injection. Auntie is dancing 💃💃like a wild woman in red. It is a good thing nobuddy is watching.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Two sentences and Reminder FFF


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

I think this is Ghost busters, what do you think?

I need to go back at night, they all have lights.

Reminder Friday October 25 join YAM for FFF
It is fun.

for the simple rulz

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tasty Happy Tuesday at Zest Cafe



Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus 

Our most recent Saturday Search for a Sensational meal took us to

ZEST Cafe.

Cafe is on the left side of the building  Home Decor on the right.

Zest has a nice size patio in the shape of an L

Lunch service starts at 11 am, we arrived at 10:45 there was already a line outside

Dining room inside is very pretty and cozy and nicely decorated. Maybe 15 tables in total.  Most of the tables are for 4 diners a few for 6 diners

Below is what my husband selected for lunch.
A bowl of 2 bean chili and a pear and fig salad with black mission figs, fresh pears, crumbled blue cheese and toasted walnuts over a bed of mixed greens with raspberry balsamic vinaigrette
Critique 👍👍👍👍👍

I selected tomato pie - fresh tomatoes, sauteed onions,(the onions were tasty, not too many) and cheddar, Monterey jack and parmesan cheeses in a flaky crust - topped with fresh basil
 with a side of  honey poppyseed slaw, that was yummy 
Critique 👍👍👍👍👍

We splurged a bit on this lunch.  We will definitely go back probably for dinner. Their menu changes with the Season

You might recall when Seaboard closed, I said it was a cafe and a destination.
Zest is definitely a ZEST-ination...there is a gift shop and home decor on one side. 
Few photos of the home decor and art for sale.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Awww Monday with Cali


 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC it is 1:18 am 
Mom and I are working on a jigsaw puzzle❣️
Southern Belles need their beauty sleep, 
we'll be late checking in with you for our
Daily Email
Calico Hugs


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Happy Tock TOBER with Angel Madi's tocks


Madi did love to flaunt her feline furry tocks and long lush tail

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Symmetry

Beautiful, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh
Click here to read about it.


Friday, October 18, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday with my Cali, Kat and Rocky and Fill ins

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Janice is a funny girl...when she sent these she said:
I TOOK THESE FROM the comfort of my favorite chair.

Feline Friday

Mom started Fall Cleaning this week!
The kitchen cabinets were first on her list. 
Look at all that yucky dust on top!🙀
She said she’s embarrassed for you to see it. 

Of course, we all gathered round to assist (aka get in the way). 😹

She dusted & polished from the crown molding all the way down to the baseboards. 
Thanks to your recommendation of meloxicam for her arthritis, she didn’t need her walker when she finished. Yay!

Next she’ll attack the great room & as always, we'll be there for her! 😻

❤️  Kat, Rocky, & Cali

Note from our Mom

I bet I went up & down that ladder a gazillion times! 😹

Rocky & Kat insist on sleeping on the dining room table. So I put their big bed on it. They love!

Auntie HiC says Apaws 👐Apaws👐 Apaws👐 for putting their bed on the table.
Angel Madi loved sleeping on table it was her favorite spot during the morning

I love all those lights in the ceiling they help mom count all the dust bunnies one by one.  Auntie's kitchen cabinets are probably shamefully dusty.  Thankfully we don't have any guest who are 9' tall or an Snoopervisory Kitties.
Rocky you are a darlin' step kitty
Hugs and love Auntie HiC

Thank you to Ellen and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs f the fun fill-ins.. Thanks Ellen and Lorianne these were fun.  .

1. My favorite Halloween movie/memory is from high school.  The seniors were allowed to make up all the tricks for the school carnival.  We made tons of pasta.  Put it in the fridge.  Day of the carnival everyone had to stick their hands into a hole which had slimy cold pasta in a bowl.  The looks on their faces was hilarious..
2. People always ask me for my recipe for my cornbread.
3. I go on a WALK when I need to think.
4. If I had to spend a night in a haunted house, It would NOT HAPPEN I don't like to be scared. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #186

 Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 


Here is our challenge

Anywhere the cowboys roam,

be it  North, South, East or West.

everyone does their Best

to be accommodating to them

and of course 

their HORSES. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Northern Lights in Dixie


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

My friend, and former Coworker, Janice sent me

this photo of the Northern Lights display on October 10, 2024. 

Taken from her home in Raleigh about 20 miles from us.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Tasty Tuesday: Firehouse Sub critique


Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus 

Interior photos

Beautiful Mural inside

We ordered take out but as you can see

Dining is pleasant inside or out

Are you noticing all the R E D?

We both ordered  small Hook and Ladder on wheat

Bryan ordered as is

I don't like raw onions or shredded lettuce (it is too messy)

They were absolutely delicious no complaints at all

The menu is packed full of choices this is the 

Hot Subs Selection

This was not our first time here, it is about 3 miles from home in a pleasant area with trees.

We will go much to try.

Click here to visit their website

Monday, October 14, 2024

Awww Monday

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Have you ever wondered what cats think about? Mom found  way to get inside my head, and this is what she heard. 😹😹😹
Volume up please.

❤️ Rocky 

Dearest Rocky I love how your Mom's mind works...

Lovingly Auntie HiC