My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 5, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday and Fill ins

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Both photos snapped on two different walks.

No worries the kitty's owner was near by.

Friendly Fill-Ins 

 Ellen at came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. If you looked in my closet, you’d see a lot of RED.MOL 
2. When I’m having a bad day, I like to take a walk.
3. Watching a boring TV program is the best remedy for falling a sleep. I need a tv in my bedroom although I hear that is not advised.
4. It’s no secret that I love coffee and chocolate especially together


  1. You leave that kitty alone, Mr Hawk!
    Love your fill-ins and I don't need the TV in the bedroom. Most of the time I fall asleep in the living room in my chair☺

  2. Another beautiful Hawk photo. And the kitty looks like it had plenty of sunshine.

  3. Hari Om
    That is indeed a fine shot of the hawk! And fun fill ins... though for sleep, I find audio books good. I never hear the end of a chapter! YAM xx

  4. Taking a walk gives the brain a break so it can think. Mom solves most of the problems she has when we are out walking. We do have a TV in the bedroom. Mom grew up falling asleep to the TV and she can't fall asleep without it.

  5. Oh, the hawk is amazing! What a treat to see him. I'm glad the cat was safe, though.

    I have enough trouble with sleep, I don't think I would do well with a TV in my bedroom. 🙃

  6. if you looked in my closet you would see a lot of black and very little else. also a giant dog bed under the black clothes. So glad the pawrentz were there to protect the cat, although I saw a video once of a dog picked up right from in front of the owners. that must be the hawks breafast spot... Before Stroke, when Bob went to bed at 8 not 7:15, I would go to bed at 7:30 and turn on the TV to the QVC channel selling makeup, boring and always made me so sleepy. now he goes to be so early, I go with him and read my kindle on lowlight until i get sleepy. I know that if i watch an action movie, it makes it hard to go to sleep, a boring talking movie makes me sleepy.

  7. That kitty had better watch out our he could be the hawks next meal. In reality that sized hawk is more likely to go after mice and small rodents than a full sized cat.

  8. Yes, hawks can be scary for kitties, but the kitty is sure a cute one!

  9. and chocolate together is one of my favorites too!

    Cool hawk, I'm glad the kitty's owner was keeping an eye out for it!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. I fall asleep on the couch around 8... wake up and wonder where am I. Enjoyed your Fill-Ins. Jerry is on the way to buy Oreos... got the craving. That hawk in pretty impressive. I still think the kitty needs to get under some better cover.

  11. If you looked in my closet, you'd see a gazillions tops and gazillion pairs of shoes.
    When I'm having a bad day, getting outside is the best remedy. Especially walking.
    Getting out and getting going is the best remedy for ANYTHING for me.
    It's no secret that I love cats and will I talk about them in the drop of a hat!

  12. Coffee and chocolate are the perfect pair.

    The cat is lovely, I'm glad it's not wandering. Thank you for linking up to Feline Friday!

  13. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had a feeling there would be a lot of red in your closet. :) I love coffee and chocolate too. XO

  14. Coffee and chocolate...mmmm. The only thing better is chocolate and red wine. Or chocolate and kalua and cream. Mmmm. I love red, but don't look good in a bright red.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi