My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, January 19, 2024

Nature Friday and Feline Friday from NC Art Museum

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Number 235

 by Leonardo Drew

Wood and Paint


Nature Friday entry because**

Sculptor Leonardo Drew is the next contemporary artist to transform the Museum’s first floor galleries with a new site-specific commission. Known for his large-scale, multi-dimensional installations, Drew **employs organic materials to create topographies that are at once looming in size and stunning in their intricacies. For Number 235, Drew will anchor sculptural pieces that he refers to as “planets” and surround them with hundreds of smaller objects as he works to identify the interconnectedness of them all.

Click here to watch a short 2:00 minute video about the art and artist and you can see how it is assembled.

Feline Friday Entry
Anne Lemanski, Artist

Furadan Feline: panthero leo loe (African lion) 2009

This beautiful feline is made out of copper rod, archival inkjet print on paper, "shuka' fabric an artificial sinew.  



  1. Hari OM
    ooh, good and delicious eye-candy choices thinking out of the box for the memes! YAM xx

  2. This is a super special contribution to Nature Friday!

  3. wow that is great... well done, today is the day we see lots of new things...

  4. I myself don't get it, but dad says he absolutely loves this piece. "Degeneration/Regeneration"- excellent video and background about Leonardo's massive creation.

  5. There is probably just so much eye candy at this Museum that it would be hard to pick out a favor.

  6. At least it is really a form of art, lots of artists have art that we just see at nothing. Like the giant tree stump looking piece. It is very interesting.

  7. Love the sculptures - especially Leonardo Drew's.

  8. it seems I am the only one that is not fond of the tree. I am glad i watched the video because I thought there must be something wrong with what i see. which is death and chaos, our world gone crazy. in the video it mentioned death and regrowth. I do agree Leo is a gifted and very talented artist. At first I thought the roots were guns, a pile of weapons. I am off to see if i like anything else he did. wow, he is super talented, I found the mural on the wall of Hammer Musuem, is the world I feel we have now...

  9. It is said "art is in the eye of the beholder", but often it does help to understand the "artist, his eyes, his/her vision" which can take us a few steps beyond our own eyes and open up different perspectives.

  10. Like Mad Snapper, I also thought the roots were guns. The art is not to my liking, but it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing.

  11. That tree is interesting and it is interesting what people call art these days.

  12. Any art tribute to a tree and it's uniqueness and being is wonderful. Very cool! I love looking at all types of art and these are so interesting. Thank you!

  13. What interesting art you found. We like the big tree and the panther is very beautiful.

  14. Wow...amazing and very ponderous art today C. Love it!
    Beth and the girls

  15. Well, I am glad that the lady mentioned at the end of the video it reminded her of the trees in the Wizard of Oz. I didn't think of that but I thought... it's a tree and I want to hug it. I am a lover of trees and I thought I had missed exactly what the piece of sculpture was. Cecilia, this is an awesome blog post. I am a fan of the feline too but the tree stole the show!

  16. Awesome art post today with the special tree and cat creation ~ thanks, hugs,

    Lots of hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ xxxxx00000

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Girl, I wish to gosh we had something a quarter as good here!

  18. Dare I say the first one made me think or Close Encounters? The panther is very smart.

  19. That is amazing. ANd the kitty is cute. XO

  20. Interesting artwork....that sculpture really looks like a very ancient tree stump in a petrified forest (on another planet...haha). Love the cat though.

    Hugs, Pam

  21. I bet that's a very interesting place to visit, with lots to thinks about. Thanks for sharing.

  22. A fascinating display, I think I'd enjoy seeing it in person. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi