My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wordy Wednesday from Kat and Rocky


Thank you to our Hostess

Dearest Auntie HiC

You won’t believe this, but Mom was suspended from TikTok because they don’t think she meets age requirement of 13! 😹

At this point she can’t even access her account, so all previous videos are LOST! (Except the ones she downloaded to her photos.) 🙀
Needless to say, she’s in quite a tizzy. She has appealed, & hopefully the issue will be resolved soon. 

In the meantime, here’s an old video of us playing hide & seek. 
I’m always the one to hide, & due to his short attention span Rocky is not very good at seeking, unless I  help him! 😹

Auntie HiC please ask out furry friends and their staff if this has ever happened to them and how they fixed it.  As of yesterday, the tricky tockers have NOT responded to Mom's appeal.
WE all know mom is a few years over 13. MOL MOL 
Hugs and thank you
Kat and Rocky your furry nephews



  1. We have never done TikTok as video is not really something we enjoy doing, we prefer working with still photos. It is crazy they banned you, and rather funny because we think you are older than 13. The problem with everything these days is that you cannot call anywhere to get help, it all has to be done online and sometimes that does not work very well. Good luck.

  2. Hari OM
    There is no accounting for those algorithms... as long as the appeal has been made, all one can do is wait and see what happens on or after the 8th of Feb... then maybe consider just shorts on YTube or stories on Instagram. Meanwhile, loved the vid we did get! YAM xx

  3. I've never been on TikTok either, but I think this kind of random and bizarre thing can happen to any social media platform. I hope she's able to sort it out. You'd think that the bots (or whatever AI controls these things) would be smarter by now. 😁

  4. What a shame about having pictures on a web platform and not be able to access! I only see TikTok is one of the bloggers post a video. That's just computer illiterate me, lol.

  5. OhMyGosh, Rocky is so funny here! I am not sure he has the concept of hide and seek but he is so cute in his befuddlement of just where you are Kat. I have never been on Tik Toc... love my IG account but it is not frustration free. Crazy that Tik Toc suspended your Mom's account. I think a Kat and Rocky IG would be a happy thing :)

  6. Sorry, I don't use tik tok so am no help to you. Gosh Rocky - Kat is a good hider.

  7. no help from me, I only see tic tok on FB when someone post one. I know of 2 blogger that were blocked from blogging for content and never go their blog back. tech stuff is crazy but who can live without it.
    I googled about the age thing and there are many things there to read about different ways to work around this and also a
    saw this link, she might have already been there..

  8. guyz…we iz sorree we canna help in any way, we R knot
    on that site…purrhapz mom can put yur mooveez on you
    tube ? we hope her can get de tik tok onez back 🙀🙀
    and if they iz HEER on madi’s blog, bak in de older poztz,
    may bee auntie C can send em bak two yur mom thru like
    e mailz may bee ? 🐟💙

  9. Dearest Cecilia,
    Cute Kat and Rocky video.
    Personally I never would upload to TikTok the Chinese spy&control machine...!
    Hoping you still can download them and then leave.

  10. I have never used Tik Tok so am no help. I hope the appeal works. The video is cute.

  11. I don't use TicTok so I can't help, but I hope it gets resolved. I so love the videos you post.

    You two are most fun to watch. Cats are fabulous family members.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs to Auntie C. ♥

  12. I am not on Tik Tok and have no desire to be.I just plod along on Facebook & My WordPress Blog.

  13. Funny, but I am sure it is a pain. XO

  14. That's such a cute video. We would like to know why they all of a sudden they think Rocky and Kat's mom isn't even 13 years old. BOL!

  15. Oh dear. In different circumstances, one might be happy to be thought younger than one's actual age...
    Cheers, Gail.

  16. We've never done TikTok but I wonder why they think your mom is younger than 13?

  17. I don't use tiktok and won't, but I sure hope you can get your account straightened out. It's awful for that to happen when you have used and depended on it. XX

  18. Internet and apps are strange sometimes ~ good luch getting back to TikTok ~ don't use it ~ hugs,

    Hugs to you and Angel Madi ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. That's a great video! I'm sorry about the problem, I have no idea how to help you get it solved but I do hope it happens soon.

  20. We don't use or visit Tickety Tockety (!) so sorry we can't help - we are (however) aware that The Mom is just a tad over 13 so if you need someone to testify to that - count us in. HAHA

    Hugs, Pam

  21. Don't do tick tock or much of anything. Sorry I can't help. Hope no one offers to buy the Mom a drink!

  22. No help here either for the TikTok dilemma. But Lightning thinks that way of playing hide n seek is a great way for him to get a good nap in and some rest from the two younger rascals here

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi