My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Madi: There is a tree in my house (again)!?

Happy Days are here again.
The mother of all boxes is in my house.
Mom and Dad brought this great big box in from the garage.

I wasn't too happy to hear the tape being ripped off and the snap, crackle and pop of the packing wrap. I really don't like those noises and you'll notice in the background the mean sucking monster also came out. I don't like that either....

Now this is what I'm talking about get the big green tree branches out of the box
and let this cat woman go wild

Oh there is a really good odor here.
I know it is an odd angle my photographer in training was standing above me.
Over the last 7 years, Madi has helped with
decorations. Do you think she helped this year? Nope!!
Either she decided she had trained us well or she
was a little taken aback by the tree location. We put the tree in
a different location this year where a chair normally sits.
The chair was moved into the dining room by her water fountain
The Diva doesn't adjust well to change. S U R P R I S E
Madi decided it was a good time for a nap. She returned after the
tree was decorated and the sucking monstor had cleaned up the stray needles.
As you can see from the next few pictures, w
e received the Madi Seal of Approval.
Madi loves sitting under the tree on the soft and cuddly crocheted tree skirt that
her Dad's mom made many years ago. Madi looks very nice on red!!

All aboard the Madi Christmas Train

Oh andMom figured out why/how she got this glow below. You might remember several
weeks ago there was a picture of Madi in a red room with a glow about her.
Mom took the below picture on the panaroma setting of the camera.
Lo and behold the glow is back

Below is the tree and the room not glowing

Tomorrow we'll share some up close pictures of some of our favorite ornaments and decorations.
Thanks for stopping by
Madi and Mama Claus


  1. Hi Madi
    Your Tree is BEAUTIFUL :-)
    I always jump in the tree,
    try it Madi its just fun !!
    This week my Mommy get to the garden center and buy a tree.
    We always waiting after St. Nicolaus
    and then we go decorate the house for Christmas !!
    I can't wait to jump in that tree .... LOL

    Have all a nice sunday
    hugs love for you Madi
    Kareltje =^.^=

  2. Can you come help put up my tree? You seem to be quite good at it! :)

  3. Hi, Madi!
    The box where our tree is stored scares me too!
    Your tree looks beautiful! And sure it looks like you like to be there!
    Kisses and hugs

  4. I LOVE you under the tree! I LOVE you anywhere!

  5. OH boy Madi, that must mean that our tree will be growing in our house again soon!! I am still trying to understanbd why M.O.M. and M.O.D. keep trying to grow a tree in the house whenever is snows outside??? And why are all those pretty packages sitting under the tree? Will I ever understand these human parents? Whew!

  6. What a beautiful picture with the glow! So pretty!

  7. Beautiful tree!
    Madi, you're a smart kitty to relax in the box while Mom and Dad do all the work...and you get all the glowing glory.
    Nose taps,

  8. Hi Madi!

    Such a nice tree and that box, I bet you could have all of your friends over to get in the box and still have enough room to jump around and play.

  9. What an awesome tree Madi!!! The box is way cool!!

  10. What a pretty tree, Madi! I say you've got your parents trained pretty well if they did that without your help. I bet you loved that box...great Christmas present!

  11. Hi Madi, your tree is beautiful - we loved seeing it with all the lights on.
    We are not keen on the box coming down and the noise and commotion.
    Once the tree is up though is very relaxing to look at the pretty shiny things.
    We loved seeing you in the box - that could be your present - it could become your own little house over xmas.
    You could put your nice comfy cushions in and pop in there.
    You know your mom would struggle to keep photographing you in there!!!!
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  12. Oh for beautiful! You and your mom and dad do a good job!

  13. Oooo Madi, you have one beautiful tree!!! We would love to see you sitting under OUR tree Christmas morning! Maybe, just maybe, the Madi Express will bring you offur for a bit!

  14. I like the glow! I think it looks nice. I can't seem to get a good one with our tree yet this year (and I know how to do it - I just have been lazy). Madi looks lovely under the tree - it really is a perfect background for her pretty fur!

  15. Your house has a really pretty tree Madi, the lights are beautiful. You are smart to play in the big box while your mom and dad make the tree. It's also a good place to hide from the big sucking monster too. You look really pretty on the red softie.

    Hugs and purrs,
    Miss Cindi
    PS, mom wasn't feeling good over the weekend so I couldn't come and play with you.

  16. That is some very snappy photography.
    Enjoyed the posts.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi