My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, March 5, 2010

Madi presents: Friday Flashback

Milky-Way was the only cat out of the 6 cats who have been members of
the 'clan and extended clan' who actually L O V E D his kitty kab.
We left it in the family room most of the time with the door
open he wandered in an out at will. It always had lots of comfy towels
Even after all these years this sweet kitty still brings a smile to my face.

Milky-Way you are still remembered and loved!!! You were a fantastic kitty
thank you for paving the way for me....Madi, Mads, Madster ya da ya da ya da!!!
NOTE FROM MADI: If any of you visited our blog between 5:00 and 6:00 pm
on Thursday 3/4, and thought you saw a Green kitty wish you a good St. Patrick's did.
My assistant (the Mom) was working on a St. Patrick's Day post....and MESSED UP on the 'Post Options'. Mom noticed there were 2 comments on it but was so mortified at the mistake she changed the date quickly so that it would unpost.....we'll read your comments in 2 weeks
YES THERE WILL BE SERIOUS DEMERITS for this!!!! Of course it could have been
her way of getting me back for turning my back on her too....


  1. Yes...that's exactly what I figured...having done that myself.

  2. You always love the babies you have now more because of loving and losing the ones that came before, at least that what Mom says...Halle likes to hang out in the "kitty kab" too; Mom finds her sleeping in it at least a few times a week...Madi, our Mom has done the same thing 3, yes 3!!!! times=inadvertently publishing posts she was just working on and we've only had 51 posts!!!...We don't know what to do with her, but I guess we'll keep her anyway!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Hi Madi,

    We are thankful for Milky-Way (what a pretty name!!) since we might not have known you if it weren't for him paving the way!!

    Don't worry Madi, our mom had messed up our blogs too many times for our little paws to track.. and I am sure we haven't seen the alst of it. LOL!!

    Love you heaps!!

  4. Madi, our mum is always messing up with our blog! Only the other day she was getting a post ready and published it by mistake so anyone coming over must have wondered where the post was!
    We can only hope that nobody thinks it is us who are so chaotic.
    We loved the pic of Milky Way in his little carrier.
    We see cats like that all the time when we go to the vet and think they are very cool.
    We love that they get to be up high - even on the counter at the vets - we would love that.
    Mouschi, our mum's cat from before we were born, refused to go into her carrier cos she quite rightly thought it meant a trip to the vet!
    She, like us, was not so keen on that.
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  5. Hi Madi & Mom,

    Milky Way was such a handsome boy, what a sweet face. I just realized that today is the 5th, it was two years ago that Tasha went to the Rainbow Bridge. She and Milky Way are probably have a great time together.

    Cindi Lou associates the carrier with trips to the vet. She will not go near it if it is in the room.

    Aw Madi, we assistants make mistakes sometimes. Yep, we saw the St. Patrick's Day post on our dashboard.

    Judy and Cindi Lou

  6. Hi Madi and Mom! we did see it :) I had to look at my calendar..BOL!

    Milky Way sure was a cutey...

    I am off to the vet this morning so we will post a blog this afternoon. I was due for my well exam, but Mom and Dad saw a weird red bump on my side they want checked out today..I am not looking forward to it, I better get treats for this today! :)

    Licks from me!! Olive

  7. I never heard of a cat LIKING their little carrier!
    Darn, I missed the Green Kitty! Your assistant is surely getting into great "special effects"!
    Chin scratch for you and a hug for Mom

  8. Oh Madster, please quit being upset with Mom. You know us HooMan's try our Beast-ies!

    Happy weekend. Hope it's a very good one for the whole family.

  9. BOL! Poor mom. With the way the demerits are going, she's gonna be in the hole for awhile. ( mom did the same thing the other night. But luckily she caught it real quick.)

    And I think Milky-Wah is just the Most Cutest! My Brudder Ripley won't go in a kitteh crate but he LUVS to hang out in our doggie crates. I think he thinks he's a LION-CAT so he needs a big crate.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  10. And of course, I mean to say Milky-WAY not Milky-Wah. Sheesh. Sometimes it's hard not to have fingers when you're typing.

  11. Madi, the green kitty was cool, so I am anticipating the "real thing" now! Am so excited, so that was a GOOD misteak! I have done the same thing, hehe. I sure love Milky Ways nose!

  12. Our kitties love crates too. We have an abundance of them and leave them out and open for napping too on occasion. We always have the dog's crates available...but there are dogs in them sometimes. Milky Way looks like a sweety!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  13. That is so cool that Milky Way liked the carrier. Did he like to go for rides too? I missed the "green kitty" I have to wait until St. Patty's Day! Have a great weekend!

  14. Oh Madi we always love it when you share MilkyWay photos with us! That was a great story.
    And we did see the ST Patricks post and we thought the same thing!!!

    Have a great furday!
    purr on

  15. What I love is when you accidentally hit return when you're trying to post and it goes ahead and posts the blog - even if it's empty.

    I have had quite a few of those! :)

  16. MOL.....MOL.....our mama does that quite often when she's preposting something.....and then in panic has to undo it and hope no one saw it!!!!!

    We love Milky Way and wish we could have known him....Madi, you should get your mom an Angel Squillion named Milky Way....we're sure she would love that. xxxxxxxx

  17. Milky way was truly special. Mama's heart cat Addie wouldn't go anywhere NEAR one of those scary crate things!!


  18. Milky Way looks so cute :-)
    Nice story thanks for sharing !!!
    Kareltje hate that carrier .... LOL
    But he sit only in it for the Vet or CatHotel ;)

    Have a relaxing weekend
    (we receive again snow :(
    Its again cold here
    Spring where are you ...... LOL

    ((hugs)) for Madi from Kareltje =^.^=

  19. Milky-Way the crate lover. :) You're giving my M ideas now. She's going to bring the crate out in case our beloved Max feels even more comfortable in it. He's still being persecuted by the meanies, the twins. Thanks for the inspiration and of course Milky-Way will not be forgotten.

  20. Hi Milky-Way!
    Don't worry about the Post- I've done that.
    We're all in the same boat, no mortification necessary.

  21. Yah my mom messes up my blog too. Gotta take the good with the bad, lol


  22. Madi we admit we saw the post come up in our reader and though we missed a few days!

    And what a cutie Milky-Way was - he is similar in color to Barney it looks like. And Barney likes to sleep in his carier sometimes too!

  23. Talk to my assistant... she's been fired so many times that it's almost funny now (almost.)

  24. I like sitting in the carrier Milky Way! Mom will bring it out and I'll sleep in it for hours. But the minute she tries to close the doors...whoa!! I go crazy and start crying really loud!!



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi