My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Serene Sunday,Plates and Box Memories

* indicates no clue

2. HWKSFLYT, Hawks Flight
3. BRZEAU, *
4. FMLY, Family
6. SURKIP, Syrup?
7. SEEITFRST, See it First
Maybe referring to N.C. since it was on an N.C. plate
8. OHWHALE, Oh Well
9. MAKI, *
10. AUDIOS, 
Good bye in Spanish,it was on an Audi
12. FYRE FOX, Fire Fox
13. CHAPTR2, Maybe 2nd chapter of life 
15. 5 CYL, *
16. TLCTEAM, No company name on vehicle but could be realtor
17. YAY007!
18. ILUVWFU2, 
I love Wake Forest University too
19. PLEXUS01, on a Lexus SUV
20. WUFPK4US, Wolf Pack (NCSU) for us
21. CHLCFRM3, *
23. XRAYTEX, X Ray technician
24. FRY-Z,Fries
25. ISU, Iowa State University
26. NAVY
28. TANZ, *
29a. SWTP, *
30. JAMMA, *
31. ZURI, *
32. MERM@!D, Mermaid!!!
This is such a clever plate.  I love it!!!

This cartoon brought back sweet memories of my Diva Box Queen Madi

Some flashbacks of Madi and a few boxes!!

I became addicted to boxes at 2 months old
when I came to live with the peeps.
Lo and be hold I discovered they had a cold box full
of treats and delicious meats .
From that day I made it my mission to inspect each
box in the house.

Back off Mom founders keepers!!
Madi did not like errors on her blog...I meant finder's not founders 

Yep this is a foyer box...I hope it never 
ever leaves I love it.

I don't get to visit this hamper box 
often so when I see my chance 
I move lickety split
Dang flashy box (my least favorite box) followed me
during my hamper box caper.
 A few more foyer boxes

Madi's 2 story throne box 

 People birthday boxes

Boxes stuffed with boxes

Madi each and every time I see a box I'm reminded of you and your 
love of all shapes and sizes and how you lived your life with gusto!!

......with another email from my Nephew Kat who was taken by surprise.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh you tease us...
    #3 - there's a triathlete from California called Martin Brzeau; so it appears to be a surname.
    #6 - There is a Twitter profile AND a gaming profile with this name.
    right, down to business;
    #8 - Oh Whale is a font. May also be a term used in sentences, when it's depressing, but not awful. A comedical sibling to oh well. However...there is also website URL which is exactly this and appears to relate to all things 'whale'. Just a hobby site, but interesting to discover!
    #9 - there are several referrences - but the most likely is that it is a Japanese surname - or the owner is a chef of Japanese cuisine, the maki being a sushi roll with the rice on outside and seaweed layer on the outside.
    #15 - the car has five cylinder engine
    #16 - yup...TLC Team
    RE/MAX Alliance
    120 S Buchanan, Edwardsville, IL 62025
    #21 - just brings up gobblegook in the search; could it be a school "CHL" and Form Three? pure guesswork.
    #28 - their business is tanning people
    #29a - Social Work Test Prep
    #30 - Jamma components are found in 'game boards' (euphamism for poker machines)
    #31 - Zuri is the Swahili name for "beautiful", it also means good, nice, pretty... or this plate may be relate to this clothing line.

    Over and out! YAM xx

    1. re #9, that should read rice on the INSIDE...tsk...

  2. The cool box is the best!
    What fun photos of dear Madi. Lovely memories.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Oh, how adorable! I especially love baby Madi in the fridge. She was always so dignified and regal, it was hard to remember she was once a silly little tot.

  4. I think we might say that Madi had a Box Fetish. I remember some of these precious photos and some not.... I am still laughing at the GIFT in the cartoon. love it...

  5. Love your serene shots for Sunday and we always love visits from you, angel Madi♥

  6. Those were fun plates and we sure enjoyed seeing Angel Madi's boxing skills!

  7. Wow! My ghostwriter has a big pile of boxes in her office right now: kitty cat heaven! I like boxes too. But I only tear them up. Well, they fit in the recycle bin better that way!

  8. I have no clue with most of these. Makes my brain hurt though. I guess that's the point.

    Love all the shots of your sweet baby. They bring us such joy while they are with us.

    Have a fabulous Sunday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  9. Oh those wonderful memories of boxes and Madi. :)

  10. I always liked that photo of Madi checking out the fridge.

  11. Always a treat to see Angel Madi! The hamper was new to me and it seems to have been great fun. Can't ever go wrong with boxes. #5 is kinda interesting because Missouri is known as the "Show Me State." Have fun!

  12. That Angel Madi was definitely a box girl.....Love the baby photo of her exploring the refrigerator but all of them are special memories for you I know. We all miss that girl!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  13. Love the cartoon! So CAT.

    Plate No 8 reminds me of a story. My younger sister, who had a very Southern teacher, complained to my mother while doing an assignment, that she could find a blue whale, sperm whale, killer whale, but no artesian whale!

  14. Madi sure was the box queen. I love all these photos of her. XO

  15. Your plates are always interesting. That mermaid one is clever. We loved seeing Madi in all her various boxes.

  16. Angel Madi, we can see that you really enjoyed a good box. We wish you could tell us how to open the cold box so we could enjoy some of that good food in there.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. We love seeing Angel Madi in all her boxes!! Hilda has been interested in the cold box here
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. OMD, you made me miss Angel Madi even mores!!! She did loves herself a good box!
    Yeah, I gots to knows how she opened the big cold box, cause I saw some walleymelon with my name on it in there!
    Safe trip!
    Ruby ♥

  19. I miss Angel Madi - she was such a lovable character. Her box obsession was hilarious!!!! Please keep the flashbacks coming :)

  20. Oh how I miss all of our girls! Hope you're doing well.


  21. Angel Madi, our Manny climbs into the refrigerator from time to fact, he'll climb into ANYTHING; that boy has no fear!

  22. Those are interesting license plates. I love seeing Madi on and in all of her boxes. My cat used to try to jump in the hamper too.

  23. Oh, Madi. You have no idea how much we miss you! I can't believe how tiny you look in the picture with the refrigerator. Always stylin' of course!

  24. Great seeing all the pictures of Madi.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi