My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sparks and Awww Monday with Kat

This Sparks is in honor of Kat and Pup and their love

Hosted by Comedy Plus

Dearest Aunty HiC

Well, according to my expert navigational skills (thx Google Maps),  we’ve traveled exactly 2,014 miles since leaving home 10/20. 🙀
I keep asking, “Are we there yet?” 😹

To tell you the truth, Mom and Dad have been very depressed since losing Sassy, Buddy, and Dakota within months of each other. 😿

The house, and property are filled with memories, and they just needed “changes in latitude, changes in attitude”,  as Jimmy Buffet would say. 

The Nevada desert has been just the change they needed. 

Dearest Nephew Kat the Navigator
You have kept excellent records, Uncle and I were wondering about the number of miles.  Thank you.

Oh my goodness do I understand your Mom and Dad's feelings.
All their precious seniors in such a short time.  
When I met your Mom nearly a decade ago, Zack, Sassy and Buddy were such a gorgeous Trio of Labs.  I'm so glad you and Pup came into their lives and MOST OF ALL I'm very very very proud and impressed with how easily you became King of the Road in your Wheelie house. 
What a wonderful place to heal...and I say stay as long as it takes.
Sending loving thoughts and many warm hugs
Your Aunty HiC

Addendum regarding Wild donks I mentioned on Friday
These are the donkeys that visit our campsite every night after we go to bed....🐴🐴🐴

AND they BOL, Bray out Loud too.
Love your nephew Kat


  1. Yeah sometimes you just need to get away to make some new memories. Love the thought of wild donkeys.

  2. So pleased that the beauty of the Nevada desert is working its magic and helping heal Kat's family.
    And Kat, you are, for sure, King of the Road (and looking particularly handsome in that top photo).

  3. we love the wild donkeys... and we hope they will be always there ;O) and we love that quote... we read it loud to HER! this morning after we got a rocket because of.... welll nothing impawtant...

  4. Hari OM
    Well, I am most impressed that Kat has been able to make all those miles with no incidents. Travel surely is a salve to the soul! YAM xx

  5. It sure has been quite a journey so far - away from home for a mighty long time and while the Wheelie House is perfect I bet in a way everyone misses home sweet home. Wild donkeys look pretty happy and apparently love to visit.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  6. The Nevada desert is so beautiful and so is the spark. You and Pup are quite the experienced travels now, Kat!

  7. Those long ears can really make some racket.

  8. We love donkeys, they are fun animals. That quote is also very true, of course we have feelings, minds, emotions, all those wonderful things. Happy travels.

  9. Wow, thats sum pawsome scenery there...especially the cute donkeys
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. That is a beautiful place to soothe the soul and heart. Donkeys have a lot to say and they say it loud!

  11. I love Jane Goodall! The desert is so beautiful, thanks for bringing us along!

  12. hee haw hee haw, love those donkeys. also LOVE this photo of KAT... what a beautiful face you have Kat...and wow on the Cat TV View you have of the great outdoors. all cats and dogs have different personalites and likes and dislikes and feelings. that is why we love them

  13. Kat sure has some good TV to watch!!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. It sounds like your big road adventure is just what everyone needed. We wish we could be king and queen of the road too.

  15. You road trip has been fun for all of us and you're both done so very well. I'm so happy that your Aunty HiC has been so kind as to keeping us all informed of your travels. I sure enjoy hearing from you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to our wonderful Aunty. ♥

  16. That's a lot of miles! Kat, you really are King of the Road pal!!!

  17. We are so envious, we get only an occasional trip to the vet or Petco.

  18. Momma says she understands needing a change of pace after a big loss, though she wasn't able to do a big wheelie house trip. That sounds pawesome. And wowza, your wild donk furiends look like fun! I wonder if you could ride them..?

  19. Obviously, this trip is helping effurybody!

  20. kat N pup; whoa, we canna even count pazz 3 let alone two millionz milez !!! :)

    heerz for safe journeez on de next two millionz ! :) ♥♥

  21. All that beautiful scenery is sure to bring peace to the mind.

  22. Looks like it's been a great trip with Kat in charge! Hope they come home safely too.

  23. We are also very, very happy Kat and Pup found their family just when they needed each other most!

    What a perfect(and true) Spark today!!

  24. We are happy the family was able to get away for a break, and that Kat and Pup seem to have bonded so beautifully.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  25. Excellent spark, so true. I was reading a book about a lady that sees angels and she claimed animals have no soul- I immediately returned it to the library. Of course they have souls. Nice photos from Kat. XO

  26. Kat, I'm so glad you are there to look after your family! Doggos are awesome but really, it takes a cat's firm, yet gentle paw at a time like that.

  27. We are so sorry about the babies lost in the last year. We are sending love and hugs.

  28. Oh my goodness.....cannot imagine losing so many dear furry take care of each other! xoxo

  29. Kat, it's so good your folks have both you and the wheelie house to help them deal with their loss. You're a good (K)cat. XOX Xena and Lucy

  30. It’s wonderful that they were able to take some time away. I can’t imagine how I’ll manage when I say goodbye to my loves.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi