My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Selfie with Pup and Kat

Thursday Morning Pup had his annual check up!!
He received an excellent report, he will have his teeth cleaned (next Wed)...
He loves the techs!

Vet Tech Tara loves me so much she gave Mom permission to let Aunty post her photo.
She has a million dollar smile!!
Ms. Tara is a very special lady. She always loved and  cared for Angels Sassy, Buddy, and helped nurse Dakota back to health when she was rescued. She’s also a ‘Bama fan!

Aunty HiC I detected the Vet scent on my Pup so I stay close by in case he needed me.
Pup:  Kat you are da best brudder in the entire Universe
Kat:  Thanks Pup, I know going to the vet can be exhausting with all those
Lovely Lady Techs kissin' and huggin'

March 24, 2020 will be Pup's first Gotcha  Day.
aka the best day of the rest of the days of his life...
As we know he loves everybuddy and especially his Peeps and His brother, Kat, from another Mother


  1. Such heartwarming photos this morning. Thanks!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yes, the heart is lifted!!! YAM xx

  3. We are loving those smiles☺

  4. the last few words have tears in my eyes. I am so very happy for Pup that he has had a wonderful year and is SLEEPING WIHT A KAT... oh my, nothing better. love the selfies, hugs and kisses to Kat and Pup

  5. Vet techs are just the best. Pup, glad you got all that attention. And you are one good looking pup. Have a great day.

  6. Such wonderful photos and we love all of those happy smiles!

  7. Pup sure look happy. We never look happy when we're at the vet.

  8. Hooray for the good vet visit! I dont mind going to the vet. They have delicious treats there.

  9. Ahh, how adorable!
    When Chuck would go to the vet, Angel...his littermate sisfur...would hiss and be a pain to him for days, no matter what we humans did to mitigate that vet smell.

  10. Kat is such a good brother. XO

  11. What super photos of two forever pals. Love it!

    Hugs, Pam

  12. You sure are making my mommy smile all the way around her head!

  13. Girl, Read your comment on my blog and I know what sciatica pain is. I thought I was NEVER going to be better! It was horrible beyond the telling for two MONTHS and still has lingering effects. AND the Dr. would not allow but 2 pain pills a day and those on the weaker side. I wish he knew what pain really is. Having a baby was not more painful than that sciatica.

  14. Pup has turned out to be the best pup ever. We are all just oohing and aahing at that photo of Pup and Kat together.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  15. Pup has the best smile ever, and is amazing with Kat!

  16. OMD, those pics are PAWSOME!!! Nothin' bets an awesome vet tech! We all knows they do all the work anyhu! BOL!! Pup and Kat are the cutest!!!
    Have a PAWSOME Sunday!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Sweet pictures. Kat you are the bestest belly warmer evah!

  18. What grreat pics! All the vet techs at my dogtor love me too. I don't have a favorite, though. I shares my love with efurrybody!

  19. Pup, I hope you have a good cleaning. Kat, you are a very good brofur.

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Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi