My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wordy Wednesday with my Nephews

Dearest Aunty HiC
Mom and  Dad have been clearing limbs and small trees that fell while we were traveling.
Pup thinks he’s Hot Stuff 🔥 because he rides in the back of truck with Mom!

Dearest bloggie pals...I, PUP, wanted you to know
I was  safe in truck... it’s our private driveway.  Mom was hanging on to me. We were going much slower than it appears it was also very windy.  
My peeps and I hate to see dogs riding in back of trucks, untethered, speeding down highway. 
I, Pup know if I take my ball, someone will eventually throw it, ha!

Mom says she hates leaving me home alone.

Do I look concerned? 😹😹😹

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

MOL MOL MOL Dearest Nephew...OMCs you look like your mind is saying
"Oh what a relief it is to have some me time"!!!!!  That is one content for Pup he took his tennis ball with him so I bet he will share to scents on there with you.  ..

Lovingly your Aunty HiC


  1. That Pup sure does look like he is having fun with his is so nice to see Kat relaxing at home!

  2. They look like they've adjusted well to being home.

  3. and your ball had a ball too, we bet!

  4. Hari OM
    You are all so 'together' and relaxed - what a joy to have you share with us through auntie C!!! Hugs and wags and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Bertie wishes he could have shared the ride with Pup. He loves the feel of wind on his face if the car window is open.

  6. No outing is complete without our tennis balls!

  7. I LOVE THIS! and thanks for explaining about the driveway.. I get so upset when I see people in heavy traffic with dogs in the back of the truck. we have big problems here with the heat, it is to hot to be inside a stopped truck and too hot to be in the back. our florida sun is a killer added to the danger. PUP looks like he is beyond happy and so does Kat... I belinve cats like being alone more than dogs

  8. Tell your mom, I agree. Some dogs jumping up and down on tool boxes, looking like they are about to fly out of the truck. Not good.

  9. Pup, sure looks like you have the good life. Nothing better than chasing the ball. And Kat, you look happy too. Have a splendid day.

  10. Fun vedeeoh, Pup! Funny about the ball, you were right somebody did indeed throw it for you. I think Kat is perfectly happy to stay at home for some me time!

  11. I love how you took your ball for a ride Pup!

  12. It looks like Pup was enjoying the ride. That sure is a long driveway. Kat seems very content hanging out at home.

  13. BOL! My kitty sister, angel Pigeon, was the same way. She was happy for me and Momma to go off on adventures because she got the whole house to herself.

  14. Pup you are on top of the world and you have your Wilson with you. I'm guessing someone tossed that ball for you.

    King Kat is right. You have the house to yourself and that's all that matters.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug to your Auntie. ♥

  15. Kat looks as mellow as Pup is at having fun!

  16. kat we gotta go with yur day; while bee in out oh doorz like pup wood be fun; itz de hole gettin ina vehicle thing we due knot like !!! :) ☺☺♥♥

  17. Pup looks like he is enjoying his ride in the back of the truck. It looks like you are enjoying the fire just as much, Kat.

  18. Looks like everyone got to do what they wanted! Cheers!

  19. Yipes! I don't like riding inside of anything with wheels and a motor, so you go Pup! And Kat, sweet dreams!

  20. Pup, you did a great job holding on to your ball. You must have known there was some fun ball time ahead.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  21. Fun times.

    We wanted to wish Angel Madi a happy birthday at the Bridge. We sure miss her.

    The Florida Furkids

  22. Even going slowly that must have been a thrill ride.

  23. Pup sure is having a good time! And Kat is so life like a king.

  24. What a lucky Pup - he is so loved! And Kat does look like the king of the house :) I hope that you are well. Things are getting intense here.

  25. We know your peeps would never put you in danger! We’re god y’all are safe and sound at home.

  26. MY goodness...a ride in the truck with Mom. Can't ask for better...and my mom said she would have wanted to do the same if it was her with her dog Jack she used to have. .

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  28. I remember when dogs were always in the bed of trucks going down the road. And kids were't in car seats and folks weren't strapped into seat belts. How did any of us survive?


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi